Episode 16: Cydnee Pedler - Treasure Bottle


Drinking is a big culture in the U.S. There are a lot of breweries around the city, there’s a big wine community and the occasional hard liquor on a night out. Millions of bottles are thrown out without a second thought. That’s where Cydnee Pedler, from Treasure Bottle comes in. She takes those bottles and many other types of glass bottles and gives them a second chance. She creates a different personality for each one and sells them on Etsy. Cydnee loves creating beautiful pieces for her customers!

Cydnee is a very colorful human. From painting, sculpting, music, to working at a hospital, she is willing to try new things and find her passion in creativity. That’s something to admire. Now she’s a storyteller, sharing the history of her bottles! Please for support her by checking her Etsy shop and listening to this episode wherever you hear podcasts! Let’s also congratulate her on her wedding and happy early birthday!!

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Resources Mentioned in This Episode!

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Please RECYCLE And Appreciate Every Glass Bottle You Find. They Have A Story!


Episode 17: Kat Richards - Miss Kitty Tattoos


Episode 15: Aimee Moslares Aguirre - Kits By Food Craft